
About: Jordi Gendra

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Rabbi Gendra is a rabbi, life coach and grief counselor, author and lecturer on medieval Jewish history. Rabbi Gendra's path to the rabbinate has been a long one until the summer of 2006 when he received his semichah -rabbinical ordination- from the Reconstructionist Rabbinical School (RRC). Before that, Rabbi Gendra studied studied Hebrew and Aramaic languages at the University of Barcelona (Spain, 1993) where he obtained his Master degree and his Ph.D. On medieval Judaism from Universitat de Girona (Spain, 2012). It was only then when he began his training to become a Rabbi at Reconstructionist Rabbinical School (2006) in Philadelphia and serving Temple B'nai Israel (Bulrington, NJ) and Congregation T'chyiah (Detroit, MI). After that he served Temple Beth Shalom (Mechanicsburg, PA) for 8 years and Congregation B'nai Tikva Beth Israel (Sewell, NJ) for 4 years. Rabbi Gendra has also been an adjunct professor at RRC (Philadelphia, PA) and Wilson College (Chambersburg, PA). [Catala] Rabi Jordi Gendra es rabi, especialitzat en atencio pastoral i final de la vida, autor i conferenciant especialitzat en estudis medievals. Nascut a Barcelona, llicenciat en Filologia Semitica per la UB (1993) on va fer tambe els cursos de doctorat, Master en llengua i cultura hebrea i ordenat com a rabi pel Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. Tot i que desde 2002 em trobo desenvolupant la meva funcio religiosa als Estats Units (Burlington NJ, Detroit MI, Mechanicsburg PA) he estat actiu en les comunitats jueves de Barcelona (Atid) i Palma de Mallorca. Ha estat tambe rabi de les congregacions Temple Beth Shalom (Mechanicsburg, PA) i congregacio B'nai Tikva Beth Israel Tambe he publicat diversos llibres i articles com la primera traduccio al catala de la haggada de Pasqua (Ed. Claret), un estudi sobre les responsa de R. ben Tzemach Duran (Ed. Muntaner) o el mes recent sobre identitat israeliana (Ed. Dux) Entre els articles destacaria l’estudi sobre el judaisme contemporani europeu (Revista Segell vol 2) o el proces talmudic com a proces democratic (Revista Kiliedro). Espero en el futur continuar contribuint a la difussio del patromini jueu catala, i a la diversitat cultural i religiosa del nostre país.

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